Why Marketing Your Business Takes Time

Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2016

We all want results, and we want them now. When starting off a business, and especially when running it for years, we don’t quite understand why campaigns need so much strategizing, why social media takes so much time to plan, and why people don’t just reply to emails straight away, when clearly your products and services are what they need.

It’s all a game of patience. And trialing. Marketing is a game of seizing the moment and multiply it by ten. It’s such a gamble that what once worked for you and brought you tremendous amounts of sales, will not necessarily work for you again.

Which is why you should always make sure your online presence is optimized and ready to compete against the millions of others out there through smart ways of sharing content, online advertising and online branding. Your social media platforms require paying a lot of attention in order to be consistent and posted on regularly. They need weekly moodboards, engaging strategies, links to be shared on various groups, comments and likes and repost. It’s a job in itself to create a ‘personality’ for yourself and your company that all your followers would like to ‘hang out’ with.

If it sends the right message to the right people, your business has the potential of booming and bringing you the desired return on your investment. But, as mentioned eralier, no marketing strategy will ever show you an instant result as all your activities need to be tracked and analyzed, and then optimized for a better interaction with your followers and database.

Your branding efforts need to be consistent throughout all your platforms. There are lots of opportunities for you to create an effective online presence. So your website and social media accounts, your emails and all information you send out should ‘speak the same language’ and ultimately urge people to take similar actions. Your website is designed to bring you more clients, your social media platforms more traffic to your website, and your email marketing campaigns more sign-ups. So you need to pay attention to all your strategies and implement accordingly.

Originally published at Ezy VA Blog — Why Marketing Your Business Takes Time.



Raluc Vicovan
EzyVa Blog

Marketing Magician and the Head of Marketing for Ezy VA and also the Marketing Strategist for the “Done For Your” Marketing clients. — http://www.ezyva.com/