Friends and family

Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2014


Reed: Who do people want to win?

Me: People usually want their own country to win.

Reed: Why?

Me: People love their home.

Reed: Mom and I were born here so we want the U-S-A to win.

Me: That makes sense.

Reed: You were born in Vietnam so you want Vietnam to win.

Me: Well, I was born in Vietnam but the USA is my home now.

Reed: Your family is here.

Me: Yes.

Reed: Except your dad.

Me: Except my dad.

We’re quiet.

I feel a hand on my hand. This is a big surprise not because he reached out. But, because we’re driving and he had to _really_ reach out.

I look over and see Reed frowning.

I touch his hand and remind him to sit back.

Me: What are you feeling?

Reed: I’m sad.

Me: Why?

Reed: Because you don’t have a dad.

Now, I am sad.

Me: Why is that sad?

Reed: I don’t know.

Me: Okay. What words do you think of when I say ‘Dad?’

Reed is still quiet.

Me: Well, I think ‘Family’ and…

I am stuck. Partly because I don’t want to tell Reed what words to think but also because I haven’t thought really about it.

Reed (Helpfully): And, ‘Ba.’

Me: Yeah. ‘Ba’ is a word I think of, too. And… hugs.

Reed: And… lots of hugs!

Me: Lots and lots of hugs.

Reed: Lots and lots and lots and lot…s of hugs.

Me: Hmmm… I can’t think of anything else.

Reed is quiet. But it’s the thinking quiet so I keep quiet.

Reed (Finally): And, nice.

Me: Nice is a nice one.

Reed: And…

Me: And GREAT!

Reed: No, no. Not great.

Hmph. I know this isn’t about me but c’mon, man…

Me (Irritated): OK, NOT great. Any other words?

Reed: Um…

Me: Um…

Reed: No.

Some part of me refuses to believe that ‘Dad’ is simply hugs and being nice so my ego and I press on.

Me: So, you are sad because you think I didn’t have ‘hugs, ‘Ba’ and ‘nice’ without a dad?

Reed: No, I am sad because you are sad.

I’m quiet.

Me: I don’t feel sad.

Reed: You looked sad.

I look in the rear view mirror at myself. A few minutes earlier, I would argue that I wasn’t sad. But, I’m not so sure now.

Me: Maybe I was sad.

Reed: Because you don’t have a dad.

Me: Well… maybe I am sad about not having a dad but I still felt like a son.

Reed: Because you have a mom.

Me: Because I had a family.

Reed: What if you didn’t have a family?

Me: You mean no brothers, no sisters or uncles or aunts?

Reed: Uh-huh. Not even cousins.

Me: Well, I had friends that felt like family. Some friends were my age, others older. Some I knew a long time. Others I didn’t see often.

Reed: Are friends family?

Me: Sometimes there’s not much of a difference.

Reed: I can be both, Ba.

You already are, buddy.

