Interview with Explorer, Journalist and Presenter Pip Stewart

Danielle Newnham
F equals
Published in
11 min readMay 16, 2018


Image Credit: Jon Williams

We are over the moon to share the story of Pip Stewart today — adventurer, journalist and presenter. Pip — alongside Laura Bingham and Ness Knight — recently completed a world-first when they paddled the entire length of The Essequibo, South America’s third largest river, from source to sea in just two and a half months.

A highly under-explored part of the world, the journey for the three started in the Acarai Mountains in Southern Guyana from which they followed the 1014km (630 mile) river traversing through remote jungle, untouched rainforest, unknown rapids and contentious gold mining camps until it meets the Atlantic Ocean.

Here’s her amazing story:

Bardega: Can you tell us a bit about your background? What were you like you growing up / how would your friends and family have described you?
My dad was in the Forces so I had a slightly nomadic childhood where the notion of “home” was more about the people you were with than the physical location — a theme that has transitioned into my adult life.

I’ve always loved to travel, was a chatty kid (although secretly shy at heart) and used to love making up songs in the garden which I’d belt out at full volume. It turns out my singing is shit but I’ve kept hold of my love of words…



Danielle Newnham
F equals

Host of Danielle Newnham Podcast — interviews with tech founders and innovators. Writer. Author. Recovering Founder.