Nevertheless, She Persisted. Interview with Emmy Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker Sarah Moshman

Danielle Newnham
F equals
Published in
8 min readMar 29, 2018


** This interview first appeared on the F = blog here. **

This week, we caught up with the incredible documentary filmmaker maker Sarah Moshman to find out what she’s been up to since we last spoke, and to find out more about her latest documentary — NEVERTHELESS which is currently raising much-deserved funds on Kickstarter here (closes Monday).

Sarah’s work is dedicated to inspiring girls and women. In 2013, she launched a successful Kickstarter campaign to make a documentary on inspirational women which became The Empowerment Project and saw Sarah and her all-female crew driving over 7,000 miles from Los Angeles to New York over the course of 30 days, to film 17 positive and powerful women leaders across a variety of industries.

She then joined and documented the inspirational Coxless Crew on their epic journey to cross the Pacific from California to Australia (the four women rowed every day — 8,446 miles over 9 months at sea). The film came out on Netflix, Amazon et al last year to rave reviews.

Newnham: Last time we caught up with you, you were working on Losing Sight of Shore. How did you find making the film and how have audiences responded to it?
Moshman: Losing Sight of Shore was such an…



Danielle Newnham
F equals

Host of Danielle Newnham Podcast — interviews with tech founders and innovators. Writer. Author. Recovering Founder.