
A climb to the top in 99 words

Eric Scheske
F For Fiction


Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

D1 felt scrunched. He was as big as the guys immediately above him, bigger than most of the guys around him, and lots bigger than everyone below him. He deserved to be higher, where things were better.

He sneaked past D2 and got a little bit higher.

He tricked D3 into trading places and moved up.

He bullied D4 into trading places and climbed high.

He beat D5 in a fight, which put him on top, where he rubbed shoulders with the other top Ds.

Then the bag of Doritos was opened and D1 was the first to be eaten.



Eric Scheske
F For Fiction

Former editor of Gilbert Mag and columnist for NC Register and Busted Halo. Freelance for many print pubs. Publishes here every Monday+. Paid Medium Member.