Addiction: How to Stop “Quitting” and Fix What Made You Start

Andrew Folts
F the Lines
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2023


“Addiction Stop Start” Comic by Andrew Folts @fthelines.

April 7, 2023—Trying to quit is admirable, but addiction will keep coming back if you don’t find the root cause of your problems.

From 2016–2019 I went through a personal Dark Age where I was chronically broke, depressed, and vying for the prestigious title of: “Human With Most Simultaneous Addictions.”

Around 11 am I would wake up, crack a bottle of Nutella, and spend the next twelve hours playing The Last of Us multiplayer until my fingers became unresponsive…

…at which point I would switch to binge-watching Lost, browsing porn, scrolling Reddit, and drinking/smoking myself into oblivion.

Naturally, this was unsustainable, and after hitting rock bottom I’d return to my freelance work, more disciplined than ever.

But after a week or a month I’d slip.

So eventually I started to think: “What’s the point?”

My life was an endless game of Whac-a-Mole, and every time I quit one addiction, two more would pop up to take its place.



Andrew Folts
F the Lines

Author of 365 Comics. Writer, illustrator, and barefoot runner slinging minimalist hacks for creative rebels.