CED #6

What? What are the key characteristics of the ABCD model? How is it different from the CED model (what is the CED model?)? Be sure to cite the article in your explanation.

The characteristics of ABCD model is the recognition strength and assets that inspires the community to do more positive actions that will cause a change on problems that are overlooked. ABCD draws attention to social issues that affect a group of individuals who share a common aspect or qualities. According to the CED article it states that “described as a strategy that includes a wide range of economic activities and programs for developing low income communities who can’t afford housing” so it helps people who are low income that are not able to afford necessary care for themselves.

So what? Consider the community you work with: What are some assets, especially in terms of Social Capital (cite article to explain what this is) that your community has and seem to utilize effectively?

At RotaCare i see many people who need medical assistance whether its from getting a refill on pills or it’s from getting a check up on an injury.People have the resource of medical treatment that is located within their community and those who go are people who need medical help. According to the CED article it says “ As a concept, economic development emerged in response to tenacious poverty and the need for affordable housing, good jobs, affordable health care, and other quality-of-life matters needed for human existence” which makes me think about moving forward in our community with the free help that is given to people with low income who need it.

Now what? Who would you talk to in the community to find out more, both about the resources from within the community, and also what the real issues are that people in the community care about? What are some questions you plan to ask to get to those answers? Please be specific in terms of who to approach and the list of questions to ask. Try to make an appointment with the person to get the process started! (Hint: See the Interview Questions Guide link and Word Doc)

I would first talk to my boss at RotaCare to see if she know any other connections that could help me get more insight on what else is missing in the community. Many issues have to do with health care and housing but also homeless people on the streets . I think that other topics such as adolescent pregnancies, domestic violence, drugs and child abuse are still issues that need to be addressed but are not speeding up the process to figure out a solution or a way to best approach these difficulties. I can ask how can we best speed up the process of underlooked problems in the community to come up with a better solution that will make the community safer than it is already?

