What Influences our Identity?

Critical Reflection #3

Our Identity is who we are, and takes into account what aspects of our lives makes us who we are. Our identity is constantly changing based on what is influencing our life at the moment, but what we do not take into considerations is that Dominant groups of our society set the standards that determine whether or not who we are is socially acceptable. According to Beverly Daniel Tatum, “Dominant groups, by definition, set the parameters within which the subordinates operate. The dominant group holds the power and authority in society relative to subordinates and determines how that power and authority be acceptably used.” Since the dominant group sets the standard, the subordinates are left with the choices to either attempt to conform to the lifestyle that is approved by society or to look down upon by society. Abraham Verghese would suggest that recognition and an apology can go a long way. Just like a simple apology from Verghese was enough to comfort the old man.

In my experience sometimes, we just need to recognize that there is an issue and do what we have in our power to make a change. José Calderón shared is a story about his struggle growing up as a part of a subordinate group. He talks about how he was misunderstood in society due to nobody taking the time to understand the circumstances he was in until his teacher reached out and completely changed his life. According to Calderón, “Certain individuals or groups have the power to define dominant culture, and therefore the power to oppress or liberate others.” If we find ourselves privileged enough to be a part of a dominant group in society we must take action to use the power to try to bring justice to this world. When I volunteered at RotaCare this past year I realized that my work as an interpreter was giving power to those who felt voiceless due to a language barrier.

