Week 6: Patient Interview #2

Interview on experience with corrective vision surgery

Eliza Pratt
Eliza Senior Studio F2020
2 min readOct 11, 2020



  1. Contrasting perspective to first patient interview — was to protected from anxiety leading up to procedure because information was withheld, then felt panic, doubt and betrayal all right before surgery
  2. Felt disrespected that medical professionals were not more upfront and direct about the risks
  3. Most anxiety came from risks of cornea collapsing post-procedure (unlike cataract patient, who was more terrified of the procedure itself)
  4. Would have preferred to meet the doctor prior to the actual procedure, and to have had clearer communication about risks and decision making


When and how did you decide to get Lasik surgery? Is this something you decided on your own or did an optician first suggest it to you?

  1. actually got Smile- similar to Lasik but “less invasive”
  2. Lasik they cut your cornea open, Smile they cut less (but more expensive)
  3. Brother did Lasik when he was 20ish, parents suggested it, finally decided to do it when friend had it done
  4. heard about some laser vision center— free consultation — “they seem professional”—didn’t talk to eye doctors

2. How did the doctor describe the procedure to you? and how did you feel when they explained it? Were you alone?

  1. in-person consultation; mom was there but no guests allowed in room
  2. Was shown lasik diagram, which “looks scary”
  3. compared it to Smile — looks like a significantly safer option
  4. helpful pop up books
  5. Was told “you’re in the perfect range! this will be fine”
  6. Videos of testimonials* in lobby area seemed “easy and painless”
    1. yes, testimonials do help
    2. *weird that they were all of asian girls

Surgery prep

  1. Came in for another meeting
  2. Had to take eye drops prior to surgery to soften corneas
  3. Anxiety started to kick in

If you felt scared / nervous, when did you feel it the most?

  1. Before exam room — being told serious risks last minute
  2. First time meeting doctor was over facetime (bc covid)
  3. Right before surgery, was told “you’re pretty young, you’re on the border”
    —30% chance your cornea might collapse in on itself — 5 minutes before surgery, came out of nowhere
    — mom couldn’t be in the room to console her—prepped her beforehand, said “they always bombard you with the worst questions right before the surgery”
    — Started seriously considering saying no, but “whatever happens happens”

What would have made this experience better? Something somebody could’ve told you, something you could’ve done, etc.

  1. if told about risks during consultation:
    — maybe would have waited another year before getting the procedure
    — probably would have caused more anxiety (knowing the risks ahead of time)
  2. Didn’t meet doctor until the actual surgery, would have preferred to meet her sooner. “Felt cheated / like information was withheld”, “like they didn’t respect me”
  3. Anxiety didn’t assuage after surgery — still might have issues after surgery

