wtf is web3?

Annee Park
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2022

Back in the day, trying to explain to someone what the internet is made you sound craycray.

You: “OMG. There’s this place where all the information is free!!!”

Your friend: “Like the library?”

You: “No, you get to it through your computer and by using your phone line. It’s called the internet.”

Everyone else: 😟😒🙄

Then, pornography popularized the world wide web and the rest is sort of history. Today, the internet is an integral part of our everyday lives.

To avoid sounding like a madwoman when describing web3, we published the ‘wtf is x’ series — to help you go from web3 wacko to web3 wizard. 🪄

wtf is web3?

The internet can be whatever place you want it to be — fun, educational, sexy, or even scary. It’s this magical space where just about anything is possible. To avoid the scary parts (unless you want it to be 😉)…

Here is the f3 translates definition:

Let’s begin by breaking down the word: web3 = web + 3

web = internet


3 = the third generation of the internet

When we put the two back together, web3 is the third (and future) generation of the internet.

Why should I care about web3?

Imagine what life looks like today for early adopters of the internet (web1). Very few women were involved then, but they paved the way for how women are heard and seen in technology today. They were pioneers and beautifully awarded for doing so. Some notable names include Marissa Ann Mayer of Yahoo!, Ginni Rometty of IBM, and Susan Wojcicki of YouTube — all of whom have since gone on to build, grow, and scale culture-defining companies.

With web3 still in its infancy, you have the unique opportunity to not only be informed, but to be early. Not caring about web3 today is just like being given the chance to go back when the internet started and choose not to be involved. Now that’s craycray. 🤪

Give me an example.

To really understand web3, we have to go back in history…

1983 was when the internet (web1) was born. This is what it looked like: (site no longer exists)

It’s like someone took the encyclopedia and yellow pages (you youngin’s might have to Google this one 👶) and put it into websites. The information was there, but you really couldn’t do anything with it online.

Then in 2004, web2 arrived. And yes, this was the second version of the internet which looks like this:

Now, we can interact with one another through chat, buy things online, and even like each other’s photos. Web2 made it possible for us to actually connect online.

In 2014, we were introduced to web3. This version of the internet is like web2, but without all of the big tech companies, banks, and governments owning our data and deciding the rules. With web3, we can connect online and do all the brilliant things we could do on web2, just without giving away our souls.

Ultimately, the goal of web3 is to become a decentralized internet — not owned by the few, but owned by everyone.

Feeling curious? Check out these other articles from F3.

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wtf is f3?

f3 stands for fuck 3. Fuck the less than 3% of all venture capital that went to female founders. f3 stands for funding female founders, and that’s what we’re doing. Join our community today:



Annee Park
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soft skills educator, web3 enthusiast, and lover of uni (the sushi & my dog)