The Conscious Code

Dr. Daniel Faber
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

Humans have a unique dilemma with their genetic biology. We can pass on our genome to the next generation with efficiency, no problem. But, the evolutionary process didn’t account for the biological urge to pass on elements of the mind when it developed human consciousness. Ironically, humans have accommodated for this problem with the very consciousness it aims to preserve into eternity.

This problem may be the very reason for the ego to exist. There are many ways to try to define and/or explain the ego, but this biological dilemma may explain its need to exist within humans. Elementary, let’s use the term ego in its most layman form. It’s part of the self that thrives on its influence on thoughts and actions to enhance self survival. Simply, the ego breeds the egotistical tendency to express self importance. To that end, the ego could be the instrument or hack that humans have developed to pass on the fruits of the intellect or conscious genome so to speak.

So, how else can we scratch this itch and solve this gene-less dilemma? The desire for notoriety, fame and power have long been passed passing down throughout human history. Why must a king’s child inherit the power of the father? Naturally, an organism wants to on the strongest genes to ensure the most thriving existence for the off-spring. But, the human ego has no such mechanism. It must develop its own evolutionary process. Other assets of ego such as wealth of possessions and money have represented a symbol of accumulated life achievement as well. These are materialistic in nature, but what about knowledge and creativity? There’s just no way for Mozart to insert his music notes into the ATCG’s of his genetic code. One may have the opinion that these are more altruistic in nature, but nevertheless assets of ego and conscious mind without a biological vessel upon which to travel. As in the biologic genetics, nature doesn’t say whether the code is nice or not.

This also explains additional need for more advanced techniques of expression and preservation of the assets. Consistently and relatively quickly in terms of the evolutionary timeline, human have developed language, writing and increasingly advanced forms of technology to spread the un-genetic information more widely and with more security from degradation or erasure. This is demonstrated for example with the advent of the internet which can distribute the conscious code across more humans than ever before in history. Ultimately, our own technology here aims to accomplish a genetic needs that our biology cannot provide.

