The full manual camera controls in iOS 8 are a big deal

Fabrizio Rinaldi
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2014

I’m going to let these two photos, taken with VSCO Cam in the same exact setting and edited with the same exact filters, speak for themselves.

The picture you see below was taken with full automatic settings, iOS 7 style. The filter used is a modified T1.

The next picture was taken using the new manual controls to set the ISO to the lowest setting possible. I also set a very slow shutter speed. Sorry for the slightly different angle. The filter used is the same modified T1.

Can you tell the difference? It’s pretty dramatic.

Here’s a 100% cropped version:

Just yesterday I couldn’t have taken the less grainy, sharper image you see on the right. Thank you Apple. And VSCO Cam, of course.

Fabrizio Rinaldi is on Twitter.



Fabrizio Rinaldi

designer of @getboxy, director or @encounterfilmit