FABTCG 3.0?! 新設計哲學及禁咭表

Gerry Kwan
Published in
5 min readSep 4, 2024

Legend Story Studios (LSS) 又在毫無預警之下,提早發佈禁咭表,並且提出來年設計的重點!

傳統構築及閃擊戰 / Classic Constructed & Blitz 禁咭表

以下咭牌於九月九日起在 CC 及閃擊戰被禁:

  • Art of War
  • Bonds of Ancestry
  • Cash In
  • Orihon of Mystic Tenets
  • Tome of Aetherwind
  • Tome of Divinity
  • Tome of Fyendal
  • Tome of Firebrand

活傳奇戰 / Living Legend 限制表

以下咭牌於九月九日起在 LL 被限一:

  • Bonds of Ancestry (A deck can include 1 copy of a card named Bonds of Ancestry)


簡評 FABTCG 3.0

這次禁咭表可以說是前所未有的瘋狂!因為這次是針對所有咭牌遊戲都會出問題的咭種:抽牌的咭,當然還有近來非常有問題的 Bonds of Ancestry。

所謂的 FABTCG 3.0 本來是打算在五週年的時候發表的,但有見新彈 Rosetta 推出日期漸近,所以一併提出發表(見上文連結)。整個發表最關鍵的內容就在文首圖中的四點重申(也就是說,不是全新的東西):

I. Class, Talent, and Hero Identity

  • Create heroes that embody the essence of their class, talent, and character.
  • Cultivate and preserve a unique mechanical identity for each class and talent.

II. Empower Agency

  • Curate a card pool and metagames where players have choices that allow them to meaningfully engage with the game plan of their opponents.
  • Victory is earned through the accumulation of many good decisions.

III. Every Card Counts

  • Curate metagames that include archetypes where every card in a deck plays a meaningful role in determining the outcome of the game.

IV. Paths to Victory

  • Offer players strategies and card synergies that can create game states slanted towards offensive advantage, so that most games end with one hero being reduced to 0 life.
  • Primarily disperse offensive advantages across multiple turns rather than in single bursts of output (so victory is earned through the accumulation of many good decisions).
  • Require combo and one-turn-kill (OTK) decks to complete a meaningfully difficult quest to execute their fundamental kill turn. (Examples include Viserai or Florian OTK requiring many turns to establish the quantity of Runechants required to OTK, or a Kano player completing and memorizing their pitch stack over many turns.)

歸納來說,就是為了重拾對戰本身預設的取勝方式(透過每次的決定累積勝機和滲透傷害,而不是因運氣換來的極高爆發力)。因此所有與此重申的理念有違的設計和咭牌,都不應該存在(所以被禁了)。除此之外,LSS 還會設計全新的咭牌去保持不同職業之間的平衡、在閃擊戰實行新措施和推廣更多活傳奇 / LL 賽事。

總的來說,筆者認為 LSS 這舉動是值得支持的(雖然筆者的Cold foil Cash In和Art of War……)尤其是近來全環境(CC / Blitz / LL)都給 Zen 制霸之亂,或多或少都會影響到玩家對 FABTCG 的信心:即使知道一定會以禁咭來限制他。LSS 雖然經常犯錯(已經成為迷因了),但透明和肯以行動糾正,足以讓玩家投信任的一票。不過筆者必須要說,下一彈 Rosetta 是非常之危險的一彈,雖然沒有忍者 / Ninja,卻有魔劍 / Runeblade 及法師 / Wizard 這兩個非常強力而難以平衡的職業,且看 LSS 設計團隊是否可以有如此技術,讓構築環境真正多元化起來。


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Gerry Kwan
