HOT OFF THE CROWD: Assisted Humans, Autonomous Objects

2 min readJan 21, 2016


FABERNOVEL’s watch based on crowdsourcing & crowdfunding platforms // January 2016

“ I really think this year is evolution versus revolution … A lot more of your devices are going to run with less direction from you but a greater sense of how to help you out” — Gartner Analyst Brian Blau during CES 2016

Fresh news from disruptive trends: intimate services, invisible apps, food delivery curation, dozens of AI assistants, smart lightbulbs, everything on demand, and other stuff to create great customer experiences. This Hot Off the Crowd edition was fueled by months of investigation and daily discoveries on the leading crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platforms: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, AngelList, Product Hunt, Crunchbase…

At FABERNOVEL, we truly believe that we all need to monitor the latest technological gems, trends and developments from these sites, it’s the most useful way to understand what’s going on before taking action.

Did you speak of a collaborative Internet? The reality is actually quite different. Today, I am constantly assisted by an OS, a personal-smart-speech-enabled assistant, a smart thermostat and other objects connected to my quantified self, and also by a good Samaritan located on the other side of the world.

Algorithms hidden in the cloud decide what I’m going to eat, wear, watch — more and more. Because I less and less have to care about mundanely material things. I’ve forgotten the phone numbers and door codes that I used to remember carefully. I’ve given up taking cabs since I realized that Uber enables me to order one from an app and that its drivers open the door for me.

And how do I use my free time? I fuel my FOMO syndrome by glancing at my smartphone 487 times a day, but it’s been a while since I last contributed to Wikipedia or thought about becoming an artist on YouTube or Dailymotion.

So lazy… and it’s going to last for a very long time if we all become eternal beings. In my complete idleness, I could then fall in love with an interface. If it’s a thermostat’s, I really hope it will have Scarlett Johansson’s voice.

- Stéphane Distinguin

Originally published on




We craft the future of your Industry. At Startup Speed. FABERNOVEL INNOVATE is an Innovation Agency with offices in Paris, San Francisco, Lisbon, NY.