Tax After Coronavirus – Live Stream of Fabian Society Economy & Finance Launch Event

This is the launch event of the Fabian Society Economy and Finance Policy Group

The Fabian Society Economy and Finance Policy Group has been set up by a group of finance professionals, academics and economists to look at the future of UK economic policy.

With fellow Fabians Keir Starmer MP, Annalise Dodds MP and Wes Streeting MP leading on Labour Party economic policy, we seek to develop new and innovative policy; as Labour refresh their policy outlook, respond to new challenges and prepare for Government. We are delighted to have Wes Streeting as our policy group sponsor.

We have structured our initial work around five core policy areas, which fit around each of our committee’s specialisms:

  • Tax reform;
  • Universal basic income;
  • Pensions;
  • Procurement; and
  • Digital economics.

Three of our committee have recently written on the topic of tax reform, publishing articles on the following topics:

  • ‘Implementing wealth taxes to catch up with a Twenty First Century Labour Market’;
  • ‘Tax reliefs and a basic income: a budgetary neutral fiscal revolution’; and
  • ‘The Low Carbon Economy and Evolution of the Workforce’.

We have chosen this is the topic for our launch event, as we believe this policy area will become increasingly important in the months ahead. As unemployment rises and interest rates hover at zero, we consider fiscal policy to be a key lever in navigating our way out of crisis. As we will be faced with ballooning public debt, falling tax revenue, precarious employment and rising inequality, we want to look towards how we can utilise fiscal policy to navigate our way through recession, to build a more equitable and sustainable economy post-covid.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to discuss such key issues with Dan Carden MP, Richard Murphy, Andy Summers, Rita de la Feria and Robert Palmer.

Eventbrite link:

YouTube Video:



Fabian Finance
Fabian Society Economics and Finance Policy Group

The Fabian Society Economy & Finance Policy Group is a dedicated network for Fabian members with professional and academic expertise in economics and finance.