I Wish Men Would Stop Using The Word ‘Single’ As A Slur

Rosa Sparks
Fabulize Magazine
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2016
Misty Knight is Queen.

Because fuck what you heard, my opinions are not validated whether I wear a wedding ring or not.

There isn’t anything in the world that grinds my gears more than men reducing my talking points to me being single. It’s just as bad as calling women “females” or asking me to smile. I can not have an opposing opinion without a man stating, “Oh, let me guess you’re single right?” What does my marital status have to do with equal rights, #BlackLivesMatter or the injustices of this world?

Nothing. It’s just mansplaining bullshit. It’s the only way a man, who feels intellectually inferior to a woman can try to redeem himself by calling out her martial status. As if her relationship status holds any weight or merit on said thoughts and opinions. For men to throw a jab at a woman by suggesting her opinions or her passions about a topic suggests that she is single is so weak. Ugh. Like wet noodles in a paper bag in a rainy puddle weak. The idea that a woman who voices her opinions equals single or unworthy of a man that will appreciate her for what she cares about it shows a lack of maturity in the men (and women) that do this.

Go fuck yourself.

Tell me, what do partnered and married women say? How do they differ from single women when it comes to communication? “You must be single,” sounds like a retort a man (or woman) would make when they are being challenged and they offer nothing else to the conversation. This happens to me sometimes and it’s annoying as fuck.

Stop using ‘Single’ as a slur.

Stop using ‘Single’ as a slur.

Stop using ‘Single’ as a slur.

Stop using ‘Single’ as a slur.

Stop using ‘Single’ as a slur.

And don’t forget…

Go fuck yourself.



Rosa Sparks
Fabulize Magazine

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