2019 eCommerce Marketing Calendar

Facebook Advertising Best Practices
3 min readJan 3, 2019

As we ring in the new year, we celebrate the past year and look forward to an opportunity to establish new goals in our lives. The new year brings about a time of reflection and a chance for growth. For eCommerce companies, the new year is the time to set goals and strategize for the year to come. This can be an intimidating process, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. We’ve compiled an eCommerce calendar to make things a little easier. This list will guide you through the year, month-by-month, with tips on how to maintain a profitable eCommerce business.


  • It’s the beginning of the year, it’s important to start on the right foot. With the cold weather comes an increase in online shopping. Take advantage of the spike in traffic with a New Year’s promotion.
  • Establish your goals for the year. What are the biggest things you want to accomplish this year? As you think through it, make sure those goals are attainable and measurable. You want to be able to look back on the year and see the progress you made.
  • Next, determine testing opportunities. If you want to see improvements throughout the year, you need to be testing. Plan out when these tests will occur so you can work it into your overall budget.
  • Now that you’ve set your goals and planned out what you want to test this year, it’s time to create a Facebook advertising strategy. How will you implement these goals and ideas in a practical way? Say you want to increase sales by a certain amount this year. Your strategy might be to focus on targeting new customers to increase the amount of people buying your product.
  • Start planning for Valentine’s Day!


  • Improve your conversion rate by offering free shipping leading up to Valentine’s Day. Use this time to start planning your spring offers.


  • Offer sales to help clear out winter inventory and make room for spring products.
  • Start to think about your testing strategies for the next three months


  • Give tax breaks to encourage customers to spend those tax returns on your products.
  • Start planning for memorial day. What offers will you have? This could be a site wide discount or a discount for members of the military.


  • Summer shopping has begun. A Memorial Day offer is a great way to capture these sales while your customers are excited for summer.


  • Summer is here! It’s time to switch up your creative. You will need something fresh and eye-catching to grab your customers’ attention.


  • With less people in front of their computers and more people vacationing with their families, take this opportunity to optimize towards mobile so you can still capture those sales while your customers are traveling.


  • Parents and teachers are going to be shopping for back to school. Give them a great deal to push them to make the purchase.
  • Labor Day is right around the corner! Start planning your strategy.


  • This is a great time to ramp up your ad spend and offer Labor Day sales on summer products.
  • Start working on your strategy leading up to Halloween.


  • Pumpkin spice anything? It’s time to introduce your fall collections and roll out new seasonal creative.
  • Take advantage of the biggest shopping days of the year by starting to plan for Black Friday and Cyber Monday now!


  • It’s time to increase your ad spend and carefully strategize for the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  • Now that you have Black Friday and Cyber Monday under your belt, be sure to finish the year off strong. Start planning now for Christmas and New Years.


  • Help your customers out with their gift giving by offering holiday gift guides leading up to Christmas.

We hope this monthly eCommerce marketing calendar served you well and offered an easy guide to the best practices for eCommerce advertising.



Facebook Advertising Best Practices

Direct response ad agency specializing in managed services for Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest ads for eCommerce companies.