Data Data Data

Phil Kyprianou
Facebook Advertisting
3 min readJul 7, 2016

A word that you won’t stop hearing in the upcoming years if you have heard it so much yet.

What about “Big Data” (trending buzzword)? As working in the e-commerce world and by experimenting myself with my stores I can tell you how much it is important and how much we don’t use it all or slightly using, but not how it should be.

First reason: we love fast results, fast ROI and if this this thing works we abuse, we drain it and all our energy is monopolized. (You’ve heard me, I’m talking about Facebook Marketing here).

Second reason: since all our time is monopolized, we don’t take time for looking properly at our multiple layers of statistics. Seriously how deep beside demographics, technology, placements… are you digging into. Oh, sometime you have a quick look into heatmaps…WOW. (This is really not enough).

Third reason: we don’t have any views to get a clear and realistic picture of our business. So, how can we have this crystal clear view if our data is all over the place and nobody is taking care of it?

Simple question to ask yourself about what you know about your customer: Are you able to identify when they are going into vacations?

Quick Answer: NO

Can I know that answer: YES

Should I know that about my customer: YES

Is this something viable for your business: YES (short term no, but at a certain point yes, and you want to have that data into your hands when you’ll start looking for that promotion that goes with nice sandals & beach towels showing their love for their Pitbull).

Now here are few “basic” data container that we are living on:

Facebook Pixel: Reliable only on the front end when it is properly working. Except from specific behavioral actions and events, not much information about the user itself.

Facebook Custom Audiences: Based on specific actions and/or events, not much information about the user itself.

Facebook Look-A-Like: Based on custom audiences specific actions and/or events, not much information about the user itself.

Email: Here’s the interesting part, much more information about the user. You can find actions, events, name, geo-location (if they made a purchase), purchases, etc.

We can see that we have already a better view with the email, I mean consistent data and more flesh around the bone. There are missing parts, I agree, but it is more easier to build and grow the whole profile around that than it is from “anonymous” data.

Now, what are the missing part aside you want to know when they are going into vacations lol?!

You need to track them, like you’re doing at the first state with the pixel, but this can’t be something that you can’t control. So, a third party software like “” can help you achieve that.

In the funnel, soon as a visitor will come they will attribute him a unique user id which mean that if they come back later, they will be recognize as the same person. Doesn’t sound familiar?

This is really like the whole “fb pixel” thing so far. From that point, this system will record every step, actions, events & data that you’ve decided to gather.

No, this won’t replace FB Pixel, but instead of letting them only to gather this information, you have it yourself now. You can now manipulate this information or share it with any other 3rd party that can translate it into other application.

This might sounds esoteric at a certain point and you’re not alone and yes it is difficult to imagine visualize it at first but this really opens a whole new world.

Now all data will be in your hands, you’ll be able to manipulate it the way you want, you’ll be able to make it grow, you’ll finally be able to uncover the hidden treasure.

Never thought that in the niche you were after you were selling the wrong stuff or you could get something better to upsell?

Again this comes up to what you have now and how you’ll be able to leverage it.

Finally, own your data, store it, keep it, care about it, make it grow like a plant. And don’t get blind about what you think a certain platform can deliver, because the day it’s going to die out, the only thing that will be left is the data that was stored on your side.

To be continued…

