Facebook Conversion Window Update

Phil Kyprianou
Facebook Advertisting
2 min readJul 2, 2016

Facebook has recently updated their conversion windows giving you the option to optimize from 1 day post-click or 7 days.

We all the know the theory or suggested best practice from FB that if we want to get something optimized by their machine learning, we need to get 25 conversions during this precise window.

My assumption has always been more you have better it is, but you didn’t need as much per day to get it work.

That was probably true until everything stopped to work like it used to be. Facebook started to introduce a bunch of changes in how they will measure ads and optimize them for performance, so many things to consider. (I’ll talk about it in another post)

To cut it short, last week I’ve decided to take advantage of the new optimization based on 7 days. So far, I’m impressed. I feel, and cross my fingers, that everything seems to ramp up like it used to do during the glory days. My ROAS has skyrocket, my EPV (Earning per visitors) is higher and sales are coming consistently.

Here’s my theory, Facebook never really optimized for 1 day, for sure if you had 1000 conversions per day it would have helped to make their machine learning better decision but they would get the data on a longer period.

Beginning of April, they locked down the 1 day because they were working on releasing the 7 days window. Now all advertisers that were not producing enough conversion in 1 day weren’t getting any benefits of the optimization. All ads account got this by default.

Since the 7 days is now available, if you’re creating new campaign, which I highly recommend, you should be able to see a huge difference.

Let me know how it goes…

