A Recap of JSKongress Goes Ghana

An awesome collaboration we had!!!

Oliver Mensah our lead was invited by JS Kongress Munich earlier this year to speak at this year’s JSKongress. Due to visa issues, he couldn’t attend. This with many arrangements gave birth to the # JSKongressGoesGhana a few months after.

Their stay started with a dinner with representatives of the different tech communities in Ghana like; DevCongress, ForLoop Ghana, Women Tech Makers and Developer Circles, Accra.

Dinner with community leads

To the main purpose..

The big event came off on Saturday 26th October for the joint meetup… JS Kongress Munich with Facebook Developer Circle: Accra. The event room was filled with passionate developers and students from different parts of Accra. How exciting it was to hear from great speakers and network. We are very confident that a lot was learnt. Thanks to our speakers and panellist; Andrew Smith, Gideon Aduku, Natalie Ramp, Johannes Weber, Kiddbubu and @Yaw Amoateng.

Awesome moments captured

A gift from the JS Kongress Munich team to us was a Javascript book: JavaScript for impatient programmers written by Axel Rauschmayer. A game made it fair to give the book to a community member. Congrats to the winner 🎉.

Then we had a second meetup…😯 Joint Open Space with JSKongress

Thanks to the JSKongress team and all those who attended for making this collaboration a success.

Don’t forget to support the community in any way you can…🙂.

For students and developers in Kumasi, you can check out this upcoming event.

You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to get more of our events. See you in the next article.



Facebook Developer Circle: Accra
Facebook Developer Circle: Accra

We are an Accra based chapter of the Developer Circles from FACEBOOK, a community for developers to connect and build.