The Tech Demystify: Introduction to DevOps.

Oliver Mensah
Facebook Developer Circle: Accra
2 min readJun 6, 2020

The second edition of #TheTechDemystify took us into the world of DevOps; an amalgamation of software Development and software Operations. Our guest facilitator was Saviour Gidi, a software engineer at Andela.

Saviour defines DevOps as a software engineering culture and practices that aim at unifying software development (Dev) and software operation (Ops). It strongly advocates automation monitoring at all steps of software construction from integration, testing, releasing to deployment, and infrastructure management.

Some of the BENEFITS of DevOps include: Shorter development cycles, Increased development frequency, More dependable releases in close alignment with business objectives, Allow to deliver the product at a higher speed, allowing to easily scale and in a more reliable way.

The CORE PRACTICES UNDERLYING DevOps are: Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Microservices Infrastructure as code( Ansible), Monitoring and logging, Communication and collaboration

Saviour advocates a DevOps ADOPTION in the tech community where he proposes the following: It's not just about tools but cultured shifts and changes, Practices can allow engineers to be expressive, Start little by automating some boring and repetitive task, Adopt git-workflow to manage GitHub activities, Choose tools wisely-because of complexity.

He also left us with this advice: “Also I want to say there’re not many DevOps Engineers in Ghana, So instead of rushing into other fields such as Data Science, Consider DevOps Field”.

Link to the video:

#TheTechDemystify is in every Sunday at 7 pm on Facebook Group, make sure to tune in and enjoy every reverting conversation as well as tutorial sessions to help you grow in tech.

