The Tech Demystify: Server Performance Tips for Developers.

Joseph Akayesi, a software engineer who has been working professionally for two(2) years. He is also the lead for the engineering team at DNAR, a community leader for Node.JS Ghana, and an active member of the Facebook Developer Circle: Accra. He joined us on the third episode of the #TheTechDemystify program where he walked us through Server Performance Tips For Developers.

Here are a number of tips he shared to help increase their server’s performance.


A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of additional worries and storage space to maintain the index data structure.

Indexes are used to quickly locate data without having to search every row in a database table every time a database table is accessed.

Analogy: If you were given two dictionaries, one ordered alphabetically whilst the other is not


Query Optimization is the overall process of choosing the most efficient means of executing a SQL statement.

The following are DO’s and DON’TS of Query Optimization


  • Limit the number of query results to reduce network demands.
  • Use query projections to return only necessary data


  • Do not fetch entire collection only to paginate results on the client

3. Go asynchronous to avoid blocking coding.

4. Use gzip compression to reduce file sized transferred over the network.

5. Keep codes simple and modularized

Link to resources from this episode

Recorded Video:



#TheTechDemystify is on every Sunday at 7pm on Facebook, make sure to tune in and enjoy reverting conversations as well as tutorial sessions to help your growth in tech.



Facebook Developer Circle: Accra
Facebook Developer Circle: Accra

We are an Accra based chapter of the Developer Circles from FACEBOOK, a community for developers to connect and build.