Is Zuckerberg right about Ello & Tim Cook?

Allan Marston
Facebook Refugees
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2014


In his recent interview with Time Magazine Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg lashed out at Ello and Apple CEO Tim Cook. At issue is Facebook’s Advertising based, user tracking model.

I think Zuckerberg is correct about Ello in that there is no way their user-pay model is going to scale across the world. In some countries where people earn a few dollars a day, paying for a social network is not going to be a priority. Ello could however, get some members the way LinkedIn has with its partial user-pay model but people like me who get annoyed because I can’t use the best features of LinkedIn without paying huge fees are going to be just as annoyed at Ello. But I won’t get started on Ello and everything I dislike about it right now. Let’s leave that for another post.

So while Mark Zuckerberg is correct that the only way for a truly scalable social network to survive and thrive is to be advertising based, the problem I have and millions of others have with Facebook is that there seems to be no ground rules, no integrity, no limit to what they will do to get more user information into the hands of advertisers. And so naturally Facebook’s Ad revenues are exploding but should we be judging them on that? Their shareholders probably do and that my friends is the biggest problem with Facebook. It’s ethics, which are laughable at best, are based solely on how to make as much money as possible from its advertisers for its shareholders.

Yes we are the product and I don’t mind being the product until you start invading every facet of my life. When you need to know everything about me; including where I am at every hour of the day and when you share that with anyone who will pay you for it, that’s when I call bullshit on your motives.

Sorry Mark, there’s a movement against you and it’s only because you and Facebook have lost your way.



Allan Marston
Facebook Refugees

Allan Marston is a serial & social entrepreneur, a Bitcoin enthusiast and passionate about side-hustles. Allan is also a 🎙Podcaster, ✒️ Author, 🎬 Udemy