The Secret Sauce — An Alternative to Facebook

Allan Marston
Facebook Refugees
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2014

I have a dream to build a social network just like Facebook but a little bit better and little bit simpler. What I am not intending to do is build a Facebook-Killer social networking site. With over a billion members most people are happy to stay on Facebook and that is fine by me.

I want to build an alternative, a ‘REAL’ alternative to Facebook for those of us who can’t stand how they treat us. I dream of building a social network where its employees and members come first. Where advertisers come next and then the shareholders. I believe that such an alignment of values is what is needed for people like me to be happy with the social network we belong to. 46% of people say they would leave Facebook if there was somewhere else to go that felt comfortable to them. For a new social network to succeed there need not be that many.

So if Facebook is the defacto standard then why is everyone trying to look different. Take a look at automobiles for example. The radio is always in the same place as is the steering wheel and even the glove compartment and many other features. In other words… Read More



Allan Marston
Facebook Refugees

Allan Marston is a serial & social entrepreneur, a Bitcoin enthusiast and passionate about side-hustles. Allan is also a 🎙Podcaster, ✒️ Author, 🎬 Udemy