We The Minions

Allan Marston
Facebook Refugees
Published in
1 min readDec 7, 2014

I decided to put this Blog together after I discovered there were millions of people like me who have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. We love it because it gives us a space to connect with our friends and families and even make new friends. We hate it because it seems like they don’t care about us their members. Their only priority are the advertisers and the shareholders. Even though without us, the members, there would be no advertisers or shareholders.

But Facebook knows we are not going anywhere. After all, where can we go? Please don’t say Google+. I have about 6 circles in Google+ but don’t ask me who is in which circle. On more than one occasion I have gotten myself in trouble while posting something in one circle that would have been more appropriate in another.

So where else can I go where I would not have to learn anything new, where my surroundings would look as familiar as Facebook? Think about it; there is not another social network that compares. Ello you say? Come on! I like simplicity but not that simple that it takes me back to the last century. And I am not yet prepared to pay to connect with my friends and family.

So that is where Facebook has us. We can bitch, moan and whine and it is going to fall on deaf ears. Actually, Facebook has 2 ears. One for advertisers and one for shareholders. We, the minions, whose data they use and abuse, matter not.



Allan Marston
Facebook Refugees

Allan Marston is a serial & social entrepreneur, a Bitcoin enthusiast and passionate about side-hustles. Allan is also a 🎙Podcaster, ✒️ Author, 🎬 Udemy