Getting Started

This article will help you get started using Facecheck.

Itamar Brezner
2 min readAug 24, 2020


If you haven’t already, download and install Facecheck by heading over to here.
After installing, sign in to your League client and then open Facecheck — which should automatically recognize your Summoner Name.


You can select LoL or TFT to view the different menu items.

For League

  • Look-up your ‘My Stats’ with your recent games and key metrics, compared to your tier average.
  • Learn new champs, see trends with ‘Learn Champs’.
  • Create your own playstyles with custom builds and runes to use in champion select and in-game with ‘Playstyles’.


  • Everything you need to know and learn about TFT — Compositions, champs, items, and more.

Champion Select

The Champ Select window launches when you start your queue. Tabs will be locked once you find a match.

Picks and bans

  • The Picks and bans tab shows you the top 5 most picks and most bans according to the selected role and tier.
  • Just below that, we show you your most played champs (from the last 100 games) with their main counters with tips why they counter you.

Team stats

  • The Team stats tab will unlock once your teams’ data is loaded.
  • In this tab, you can see each of your team members’ most played champs with games played and their winrate for their locked champ.
  • You also have their rank and level.
    Below you have enemy champ counters on mouse hover.
  • In addition, team damage distribution that can suggest whether to go MR or Armor or if your team needs more AP or AD dmg.

Set Runes&Items

  • This tab shows you playstyles that we created, pro builds, and also custom playstyles that the you created via Facecheck’s “Create a playstyle” feature in the desktop.
  • We’re most proud of the push system — no longer do you have to manually select runes and work under pressure during the draft.
    You can now quickly and easily push rune configurations, summoner spell choices and even full item builds straight into the game.
  • This works even if your client is laggy or bugged, and your runes will be registered even if you click the push button at the very last second.


  • During your match it’s available for you to call our overlay by using a hotkey (ctrl+z by default), no Alt+Tabbing is required at any point.
  • Facecheck has full enemy and ally stat breakdown including their track record, win rates, tags detailing their playstyle in recent matches, items they like to build, the works!
  • You can switch between Cards View, Table view or Live view using the buttons at the top — whichever one you prefer. We really like the card view as its much easier to read and we simplify the stats for you.

