F008: How do sex, blockchain and medical anthropology go together?

A sex hunting anthropologist walks into a mortgage finance institution and out into the world to lead health initiatives globally; this is the fascinating tale of Samson Williams’ health career journey.

Tjaša Zajc
Faces Of Digital Health
3 min readApr 4, 2018


Samson Williams is an entrepreneur and fintech guru. He has been an epidemiologist for the State of Florida, an Anthrax and WMD expert for DC Dept of Health and currently splits his time between serving on the DC Dept of Health’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), and as the Irish Ambassador for Crowdfunding to the EU and partner at Axes and Eggs, a blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy based in Washington, DC.

His Master’s thesis was titled Sex Hunters. If you are curious about what he researched, how do axes and eggs go together or how to prevent a nervous breakdown in a critical situation, listen to the conversation with him. Among other things, Samson talked about his experience with the last financial crisis and how he was managing communication with people in distress to prevent them from going from stress to anxiety to panic and hysteria. And then there’s explosives and blockchain.

In episode 8 of Faces of digital health, Samson shares insights on how to deal with the greatest challenge in finance, technology and health: humans.

Topics addressed:

How does one go from medical anthropology to a cryptocurrency mining company?

How can digital health solutions help in disaster situations?

Potential of blockchain in healthcare?

You can find, listen and subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or Podbean, or use the RSS feed.

More episodes on blockchain in healthcare:

Episode 14 of Medicine Today on digital health, as this podcast was named in 2017, talks about the basics of blockchain and it’s capabilities in healthcare. It’s a nice introduction for those new to blockchain.

014 Blockchain in Healthcare: How and How Fast Could It Be Applied? (Nadia Thibault Diakun, Chrissa McFarlane)

F007: The hype and the hope: blockchain in healthcare?(Michael Dillhyon, Samson Williams, Eugene Borukhovich)

Episode 23 of Medicine today on digital health addresses the issue around the connection between interoperability in healthcare and blockchain.

023 Misconceptions Around Blockchain And What It Will NOT Solve In Healthcare? (Helen Disney — Unblocked; Navin Ramachandran — University College London)

