Cointelegraph Writes About Faceter

Faceter Fog
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2018

Recent story about Faceter on Cointelegraph (one of the most trusted source of information about crypto industry) got more than 15 000 views and more than 260 shares.

Here is just one quote:

‘First decentralized surveillance system’

Faceter states that they are the ‘first decentralized surveillance system for consumers’. Their aim is to create a smart surveillance system, using their established computer vision technology, that is actually affordable and available for mainstream use. It is powered by a fog network of miners on a Blockchain platform. By combining features such as facial recognition and object detection, Faceter claims that their surveillance technology will be able to understand a situation as it is unfolding, and as a result respond to it.

They call this concept their ‘event security model’. By detecting possible threats ahead of crimes being committed, much more efficient action can be taken. For example, a face can be ‘blacklisted’ on the network, in the instance of banned customers. If this face is detected on the video surveillance, the owners will be alerted via push notification to their phone. It also points out that the technology could be used in a positive way; for example, recognising satisfied customers.

Their whitepaper outlines how Faceter has developed their technology and business over the past few years. CEO and co-founder Robert Pothier was personally affected by a crime in which CCTV was ineffectual. Frustrated by the apparent useless nature of security features that do not work, he and his team decided to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology that they had already developed to help computers to recognise bank cards (Pay.Cards), to create intelligent video surveillance. CTO Vladimir Tchernitsky began his career in programming over thirty years ago and has vast experience of neural networks and machine learning, and helped oversee the success of Pay.Cards, which has now been downloaded over 25,000 times. Faceter says that tests have shown the app to be even more effective than industry giants such as Apple Pay.

You can read the original article here



Faceter Fog

Сomputer vision surveillance technology powered by fog network of miners