Face is available at the BNB chain

Faceter Fog
Published in
May 26, 2022

Face tokens are getting easier and easier to buy and convert! Now it is listed in the Multichain cross-chain router protocol. Multichain (ex-AnySwap) processes cross-chain bridging and smart-contract methods on other chains. Multichain router will allow you to swap Face tokens between ERC20 and BSC networks using Metamask wallet, reducing fees and making it easier to move between chains.

You can find and import Face tokens to your Metamask wallet with the new BSC Face contract at BSCScan.

Cross-chain fees to convert Face between Ethereum to BSC network is 0.1%. More information on fees is available at Multichain.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates coming soon!

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Faceter Fog

Сomputer vision surveillance technology powered by fog network of miners