Tech News from RnD

Faceter Fog
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2019

Hello Everyone!
As the time goes, our developers are preparing new features for both Business-to-Business and Business-to-Customer solutions. Today we are happy to tell you about our new Business-to-Business tool, aimed to help mainly in Sales, Marketing and Workforce management.

Example of working service on a video from the Net.

Have you ever wished to know how much time people need in average to order pizza or choose milk in the supermarket? Or why receptionist always mopes around, but is never on his place to register you? Our devs wish to know that too and to allow our customers to know that. They thought of a tool, that would allow to analyse the customer attendance and get the proper statistics on the time spent in each customised zone or the tool, that would allow to track the crew behaviour in the customer area. That is how that feature was born in our RnD department.

If you work with video surveillance, you might know, that many cameras or surveillance providers do support a kind of the same feature, but you are drown in countless in range notifications, border cross notifications etc. etc. Our dev team wants to convert this chaotic information flow into a useful and meaningful analytic tool, that can be utilized for several business needs.

There are other features already integrated to the Business-to-Business solution, but they do not allow to track specific zones and apply analytics to them. By applying this feature user receives an integrated analytics tool, that foster sales by better merchandising or factor into changes in workforce management.

See how it looks like to have different zones on the camera stream:


This feature is specifically designed to handle analytics, that is why user needs to set up two main parameters once and system will be all set:

  • define zones “Customer zone”, “Merchant zone”, “Pastry zone” etc.;
  • set up different timeframes , such as “Working Hours”, “Closed” etc.

Hereinafter the application will show appearance analytics based on this times and zones.
See for yourself:

Comprehensible Analytics

People want to have vivid graphics instead of numbers , that is why we have also added a board, that shows attendance time on a pie chart:

Each tool helps business to sell and all of us to work more efficient and have more free time, that you’ve used to read this article. If you are interested in more tech details of this solution — do not hesitate to comment and we will prepare our next material on some dev details of our new feature.

Faceter Team



Faceter Fog

Сomputer vision surveillance technology powered by fog network of miners