Characteristics of personality and perfectionism that predict life satisfaction

Canadian Science Publishing
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018

What makes individuals satisfied with their current life condition?

This question has been asked by philosophers and scientists since ancient times. Yet, we still do not have a definitive answer to this question. In recent years, psychologists have had renewed interest in identifying factors that affect an individual’s satisfaction with their current life condition.

Researchers have found that certain personality characteristics predict life satisfaction and are relatively stable over time. As well, perfectionism has often been associated with poor mental health outcomes; however, perfectionistic behaviours can be modified and may be beneficial in certain circumstances.

Our study sought to determine which personality and perfectionism characteristics contribute to life satisfaction. A total of 448 adults completed an online survey and answered questions about life satisfaction, personality, and perfectionism.

We found that both personality and perfectionism were related to life satisfaction. Specifically, greater life satisfaction was associated with having a personality defined by emotional stability, being outgoing, and having higher levels of organization. Additionally, having high standards for other people, which is an aspect of perfectionism, contributed to life satisfaction.

Read the full paper Personality and perfectionism as predictors of life satisfaction: The unique contribution of having high standards for others by Samantha A. Fowler, Leanne L. Davis, Lilly E. Both and Lisa A. Best on the FACETS website.



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