Lecture #1: Paradigms, Theories and the Actual Changing Landscape

Ha Ly Nguyen
Facilitating Change 2022
Apr 21, 2022

The fundamental change in thinking about leadership and organisations.

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash
Video: Lecture Recordings

Lecture slides

Updated version
(we hope to see your “onion” artwork earlier by noon 27th April, 2022 — Helsinki time)

Additional Readings

· Slicing and Dicing Strategic Uncertainty: https://www.bearingpoint.com/en-fi/blog/slicing-strategic-uncertainty/

· Nadler, D.A. and Tushman, M.L. (1997) Competing by design: The power of organizational architecture. Oxford University Press.

· Janićijević, N. (2011). Methodological approaches in the research of organizational culture. Economic Annals, 56(189), 69–99.

· Schein, E. H. (1990). Organizational culture. American Psychologist Association, 45(2), 109–119.

…And everything is already here as a handbook: https://change.informaatioverkostot.fi/

