The fifth lecture: Tools, sprints, workshops, canvases

Roosa Ripatti
Facilitating Change 2023
2 min readMay 25, 2023

Thank you for everyone attending the fifth lecture! Only one more to go… It was great to hear your thoughts after the breakout rooms and you had some excellent questions after the class😎

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash


  • You can find the lecture slides here📝
  • The video recording of the lecture below 🎥

Some thoughts after the breakout rooms:

During the lecture the participants were asked to discuss about their experiences, thoughts etc. on introducing new tools, methods, ways of working…

Here are a few examples of the great points that were made:

  • “It’s important to emphasize why the tool is beneficial to the individual as well as the team”
  • “New ways of working can make everyone more equal”
  • “Sometimes you need a mandate from an authority to show that the tool is important”
  • “It’s often good if the facilitator comes from outside the group”
  • “Different level employees speak about things on a different level.”
  • “Canvases are great collaboration tools. The most important thing is before starting — decide on the goal/objective”
  • “Going over things in weekly meetings became a good opportunity to communicate.”
  • “Introducing new tools boils down to motivation. Is it beneficial to change the way of working? If the motivation is there, that’s half of the process. If there is no motivation, driving new ways of working into actual use may take long.”
  • “Reevaluations are needed. Not just one brainstomring at the start of project.”
  • “Use simple tools and know their possibilities.”
  • “Working remotely is efficient, but you must know how to involve people.”

Additional readings

Lean Service Creative toolbox & handbook and videos.

Strategyzer: Business Model Canvas and Value Proposi?on Canvas.

Free tools on Facilitation, Leadership, and Transformation

…and everything is already here as a handbook:

