The second lecture: Organizational Transformations.

Annika Viitala
Facilitating Change 2023
1 min readMay 3, 2023
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

Thank you for everyone attending the second lecture! There were even more of you now than the first time, how wonderful 🌞


  • You can find the lecture slides here 📝
  • The video recording of the lecture below 🎥

Additional readings

Six Foundation Stones for Cultural Transformation:

Iansiti, M. and Nadella, S. (2022), Democratizing Transformation.
Rigby, DK., Sutherland J., and Noble, A. (2018) Agile at Scale.
Thomke, S. (2020) Building a culture of Experimentation.
Groysberg, B. et al. (2018), The Leader’s Guide to Corporate Culture.
Michels, D. and Murphy, K. (2021) How Good is Your Company at Change

Gothelf, J. (2014, November 14). Bring agile to the whole organization. Harvard Business Review.

Gurbaxani, V. & Dunkle, D. (2019) Gearing Up For Successful Digital Transformation. MIS Quarterly Executive. Sep 2019, Vol. 18 Issue 3, p209-220.

Bate, P., Khan, R., & Pye, A. (2000). Towards a culturally sensitive approach to organization structuring: Where organization design meets organization development. Organization Science, 11(2), 197–211.

Kotter, J.P., 1995. Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review, 05/1995.

Hiatt, J., 2006. ADKAR: a model for change in business, government, and our community. Prosci.

…and everything is already here as a handbook:

