The Sixth Lecture: Closing, reflection, and looking forward.

Annika Viitala
Facilitating Change 2023
2 min readJun 1, 2023

The last lecture recapped all we had gone through during the journey and got to see you faces as well 😍 It was great to hear that for many our homework and discussions offered a better view of your current work as well as new tools and thoughts.

The journey of implementing these learnings is just beginning… 🏃‍♂

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash


  • You can find the lecture slides here 📝
  • The video recording of the lecture below 🎥

All the materials will stay up for long, so you area able to return to them when needed.

Further readings:

M.Sc. Theses:

Pietilä, A. (2019) Work Recovery in Self-Managing Organizations. Aalto University.
Juurikka, S. (2021) The Role of Design in Strategy Consulting. Aalto University.

Berg, C. (2020) Maintaining an experimentation culture in a telecom organization. Aalto University.
Palo, J. (2020) Setting goals for autonomous motivation using Objectives and Key Results. Aalto University.
Pesonen, V. (2020) Agile transformation in a large media company — perceptions and principles. Aalto University.
Leskinen, S. (2020) Challenges Faced by Startups Preparing for Growth — an Ethnographic Approach. Aalto University.

Aaron Dignan, “Brave new Work”.
Outi Sivonen, “Yrityskulttuurit murroksessa”.
World Economy Forum The Future of Jobs Report 2023.
Future of Work (online course) at Aalto University.

Free Tools!

…and everything is already here as a handbook:

