A checklist for meetup organisers

Michael Ambjorn
Facilitation Fieldnotes
2 min readApr 29, 2019

So many Meetups — yet what if there isn’t one covering your topic? How might you set up your own? Having co-run three different ones in the last year, here’s a brief checklist that’ll help you save time (and some maybe even some tears).

It is built around extending a global movement of get-togethers called #IAFmeetup, first pioneered by the good people at IAF England & Wales - and now taking the world by storm. But you could also fashion your own if there’s a gap in what’s offered locally. That said, don’t reinvent the wheel unless you have to!

Here’s the above checklist with a bit more context and detail:

Get inspired

  • Search #IAFmeetup
  • Talk to existing Meetups organisers — they’re friendly and there’s learning to be had.
  • Align with the vision & mission for your undertaking — in the case of #IAFmeetup it is the vision, mission & values of the International Association of Facilitators.

Find a good spot — for example

  • Is it big enough for my group?
  • Is it small enough for the right atmosphere?
  • Is it quiet enough to enable discussion?

Pick a format — for example

  • So many to choose from — some ideas here…
  • Something different? (Do share).

Get the word out

Hold the event

  • Here’s a tri-fold we use as a sign — as one idea to help people find the event
  • Share, learn, have some fun!

Get feedback — for example:

  • What was good?
  • What was difficult?
  • What might we do differently?
  • Check feedback on Meetup.com

Share your learning

Got more ideas to add? Do share…



Michael Ambjorn
Facilitation Fieldnotes

Director #Urbantech | Founder #AlignYourOrg + espresso user | views own | #createconnection | #ideasintoaction | #FacPower