Deepening the Understanding of Collab — Meet the Level II Cohort | Round Sky Solutions

Round Sky Solutions
Cooperative Leadership Connection
2 min readSep 11, 2018

In the beginning of August, we, at Round Sky, launched our 9 month-long Level II, Collaborative Leadership Certification Program. This cohort has been diving deep into our collaborative management tools. They are examining their team(s) via the 7 Conversations and the Power Matrix, learning the key Integral lenses, integrating new ways of seeing and understanding themselves and others in leadership, and exploring personal development practices. This includes how all types of work styles can be leveraged for the growth of the team.

We are delighted to begin this transformative leadership certification program with these leaders of cooperatives, coaches and consultants, non-profit directors, and entrepreneurs. They all share a desire to take Collab’s participatory management and leadership tools and insight learned in Level I to a deeper understanding!

Meet the 2018–2019 Level II Cohort below!

If you’re curious about deepening your understanding of collaboration and expand your leadership capacity, start with our Level I Certification. Learn more here.

The cohort took a team picture in one of their online sessions, which is harder to time than you would think! This group of leaders is pretty incredible. Collaborative leadership is an emerging new way of leading that is significantly different than how our culture has defined leading and managing in the past. It’s not about having all the answers, telling others what to do, nor having unilateral power over others.

Collaborative leadership is about leading and managing in community with others, continuously seeking room to improve yourself and supporting your peers, working with others (not necessarily “for” others), and actively including others in leadership and power in the collective work.

This group of leaders is honing in on their own capacity to better support themselves and their teams. Say hello in the comments below!

Start your Collab Certification Journey!

Originally published at



Round Sky Solutions
Cooperative Leadership Connection

#WorkerCooperative cultivates #SelfOrganizing through #SharedLeadership trainings and individualized #ParticipatoryLeadership coaching for #SocialGood #HumanBiz