Stories from California

Facing Addiction
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2016
Created by Ted Grajeda from Noun Project

Now’s your chance to let Congress know you’re passionate about CARA!

Both the Senate and House have passed versions of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act. Conferees from both bodies are currently meeting in what’s known as “conference” to finalize one bill that will go to the President’s desk for signature and passage into law.

It’s critically important that the conferees hear from you as soon as possible! These policy leaders must understand how important a comprehensive addiction response is in their home state.

Share a link to this story (or tweet your own!) with U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (California) on Twitter: @kevinomccarthy or U.S. Rep Nancy Pelosi (California) on Twitter: @NancyPelosi. If you’re not on Twitter, share your story with us here.

I grew up in an alcoholic household, going back for generations on both sides. Left home at 16, drank for 16 years, and then found recovery. Thankfully, I’ve been sober now, and teaching, and making a difference for almost 30 years since. Alcoholism is a disease needing treatment, not jail.”
-Susan Minnicks | San Diego, CA

My son was given opiates for a back injury from many doctors. He was married, had a 2 1/2 year old and a baby on the way. He graduated from a aeronautical school and was hired at a prestigious jet engine company . He became addicted to heroin and died from an overdose on October 11, 2014. Please pass this bill. I am 71 and now take care of these children while their mother is trying to finish school to support them.-Joanne Preston | Redding, CA

My son was prescribed an opioid pain medication for a minor dental procedure; he did not receive information regarding the addictive potential of the medication. Went to rehab for 30 days but was not informed of MAT; relapsed; rehab again. Kicked out of rehab over a minor issue. Went to another rehab where there was a lack of supervision; other patients easily brought heroin onto the unit. Now, he’s having a very hard time finding a psychiatrist to see him on an outpatient basis. There’s a 2–3 month waiting list for psychiatrists.”
-Marianne Akerland | Palm Desert, CA

“I am a 55-year-old woman and work for the State of California. I started smoking weed, drinking alcohol and using cocaine, all before I was 16 years old. I was an alcoholic and addict by 17. I was 40-years-old when I got clean and sober. This was on December 29, 2000. I was very lucky to have received help through a county drug & alcohol program (90 days). I was very, very, very lucky!

I’m blessed to have a life worth living. It was all I ever wanted to begin with! Thank you, and please help those who can’t do it alone.

-Kristie | Citrus Heights, CA

I have been in continuous recovery from all substances for 45 years+. I have worked in mental health as a licensed professional and also in substance abuse treatment as a substance abuse counselor for the past 40+ years. I have been President/CEO of a hundred-bed treatment facility for adult men, women and families for the past 32 years. Prior to that, I was fortunate to work with Mrs. Betty Ford and the Honorable Leonard K. Firestone at The Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California. It was the beginning of a new era in treatment and I was so glad to be a part of it. I was also included in the first book Mrs. Ford wrote and consider it to be a great honor. I was head of the admissions department before leaving for my current position. I might add, Mrs. Ford and Leonard Firestone championed the facility I was in charge of and helped me build it into what it is today.

It is difficult to describe the challenges so many families have faced in attempting to receive help for themselves or for a loved one in need of substance use disorder treatment. It is even more difficult to find help for someone with co-occurring disorders.

With substance use disorders increasing at an alarming rate and death from opioid addiction and overdose staggering, not to mention all the other substances, alcohol and now high THC levels in marijuana that our youth are exposed to, seems to me there is need for an immediate intervention and action, long awaited I might add.

Please, I and so many others are passionate about CARA, and hope that the bill is passed soon, and sent to the president’s desk for signing.

-Rick Mesa | La Quinta, CA



Facing Addiction

Facing Addiction is a national non-profit organization dedicated to finding solutions to the addiction crisis by unifying the voice of over 45 million Americans