The Wonderful World of Completely Random Facts — Issue 34

Daniel Ganninger
Fact World
Published in
6 min readDec 14, 2021


That Jolly Pringles Guy

You’ve probably enjoyed those flat, curved chips that come in a can that are known as Pringles. But did you know the guy on the can has a name? His name is Julius Pringles. Julius has gone through many changes since he was first introduced in 1967. For one, Julius began with rosy cheeks, and from 1986 to 1996, he even got a mouth. After 1996, Julius lost his mouth again. After 2002, he lost his eyebrows but got a red bow tie, and in 2009, Julius got a new hairdo.

It’s unknown how Julius Pringles got his first name, but there are a few theories on how the Pringles name came about. One theory says it came from a street name in Finneytown, Ohio, called Pringle Drive, while another says it may have come from a name in the Cincinnati, Ohio, phone book. There’s also a theory that the brand is named after Mark Pringle, who had a patent on a design for processing potatoes in 1937. Source, Source, Source

The Amazing Liver

The liver is the only human internal organ capable of the natural regeneration of lost tissue. As little as 25% of a liver can regenerate into…



Daniel Ganninger
Fact World

The writer, editor, and chief lackey of Knowledge Stew and the Knowledge Stew line of trivia books. Connect at and