How to Keep Your Guy on His Toes in The Relationship

Cheshta Mann
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2020


Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

So, it has been a few months or even some days, that you have found your ‘prince charming’ and now, you feel that he is chasing you with the same zeal that some actor/actress would have chased the ‘Oscar’ once. Suddenly, you might start feeling like a queen whose king would do anything to woo her.

But what if your relationship loses spark down the line, and he starts taking you for granted? Obviously, you will feel terrible like hell! Won’t you? However, here are some easy-peasy tips that can turn the tables for you and keep your man on his toes.

Don’t Make Yourself ‘Always Available’

Maybe, he texted you a few minutes ago! Now, don’t act too cute by reverting him back the very next moment. Don’t send him a signal that you were just waiting for his message for so long. Take a few hours or maybe, even a day to respond, and this will make him crave for you even more.

Tell him that you need some ‘ME’ time aka personal space. And if you are in no mood to recharge your battery and spend some alone time, catch up with your friends. All these frequent moves will make him realize that he needs to instill some efforts to grab your attention.

If You Are Feeling Bored, Then Tell Him

