The Factmata 3-Stage Plan

Dhruv Ghulati
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2020


Reaching the Finals at the 2018 Web Summit conference PITCH competition, beating 2000+ startups

This post is to write out Factmata’s mission in stone. Here it is.

Empower everyone with the tools to better understand online content and the world around them.

When I mean everyone, I do mean everyone receiving direct or indirect benefit from what Factmata builds (consumers, government agencies, brands, analysts etc).

How we frame the online content problem on the internet

There is that there is a war going on between content readers/analysts and content producers/distributors — and it’s not hard to figure out who is losing. While we consume content we are fighting against following weapons the producers of content have:

  1. Greater incentives for content producers (PR execs, advertisers brand managers, campaign managers, journalists) to slant narratives in order to gain easy clicks and shares
  2. Bad actors have new, powerful tools (bot networks etc.) to spread total lies, hate, and more
  3. Corruptive forces encouraging journalists to get paid to write laudatory or defamatory pieces about topics including other people.
  4. Growing desire for bot-generated content, automated content production, and hyper-targeted/personalized content…



Dhruv Ghulati

Recovering startup founder in data, APIs and AI. Co-Founder @Factmata, solving fake news. Alto saxophonist, creative technologist and electronic music fan.