Visitor design pattern demystified

Jonny Fox
Factory Mind
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2017

Today we look at one of the lesser known patterns, often unused and therefore more interesting if used appropriately 😅.

All the examples are written in Typescript… Even if you do not know it, notice that I chose this language because it adds optional static typing to Javascript providing a set of examples easily translatable to non-typed languages (with the appropriate arrangements 😄)

It is one of the patterns of the Gang of Four (GoF — see here), and in particular it is a “Behavioral pattern” that allows separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. This means that we can add new operations to this object structure (even a list of heterogeneous classes) without modifying it.

Let’s try to describe a simple real-life example (you can play with it— see this Github repo written using Typescript) where we have a list of Employee and Clerk objects on which we need to perform two actions (and maybe others in future):

  • increase income: increase the income of the Employee/Clerk by 30% and 10% respectively
  • increase vacation days: increase the vacation by 3 days for the Employee and by 1 day for the Clerk

First we declare the IVisitor interface that exposes the visit method: This method will be suitably defined by the two visitor implementations regarding the actions above, ie. IncomeVisitor and VacationVisitor.

In this case, we distinguish the type Clerk from the type Employee with a simple if(item instanceof MyType) doing the operations according to the above specifications: notice this is a simplified variation of the visitor pattern that can (or should 😏) provide separate methods for different types, see a second implementation here.

Let’s proceed by adding the second part of the pattern:

We declare a new interface IVisitable that exposes the accept method: this method allows us to “receive” a visitor instance and perform the action appropriately on the interested item.

This allows us to specify a different behavior for different types of objects / structures: in this case it we specify that in the case of a Employee list, the accept method must be executed on each component of the list.

Here a simple example that include all the code seen so far:


The visitor pattern can be summed up in:


  • Separate algorithms from an object structure on which them operate. This allows us to add new operations to this object structure without modifying it


  • IVisitor interface providing a visit method (for each visitable class)
  • IVisitable interface providing an accept method, implemented by every visitable class


  • Add functions to class libraries for which you either do not have the source or cannot change the source
  • Collect data from a disparate collection of unrelated classes and use it to present the results of a global calculation to the user program
  • Gather related operations into a single class rather than force you to change or derive classes to add these operations
  • Collaborate with the Composite pattern


  • Adding or removing visitables requires you to update all visitors
  • “Visited classes” need to be “stable”


From here

We can summarize the visitor pattern with the following sentence:

Implement as many visitor classes as the actions to be performed on a set of objects by specifying the method of accepting each visitor instance for each object type.

Have fun and do not forget to recommend the article if you liked it 👏!

