Highest Possible Number of Views a YouTube Video Can Get

Mr. Fact
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2019
Highest Possible Number of Views a YouTube Video Can Get

Have you ever wondered about Youtube views counter limit? What is the youtube views limit? Has anyone broke the limit. Let’s find out.

So the Youtube view counter is distributed into two era

Pre Gangnam Style and Post Gangnam Style.

So before Gangnam style, Youtube view counters limit was 2,147,483,647 (2 billion one hundred an 47 million four hundred an 83 thousand 6 hundred 47). And after Gangnam style, Youtube realized that they have to Increase the view counters limit and they did that on 1st December 2014. They posted this on Google+.

Youtube posted this on Google+

Hence the New youtube View counter Limits is 9,223,372,036,854,775,808.

I have a challenge for you to go to the comments section and write new Youtube views limit in word.

Coming back to the view counter, is this number enough or Youtube again had to increase his views limit in some few years. Let's find that with some facts

Fact 1: Youtube gets 5 billion views daily. If your video gets 5 billion views daily, time taken by your video to reach view count limit will be 1,844,674,407 (1 billion) days or 5,053,902 years. Remember humans been around from only 200,000 years.

Fact 2: World total population is estimated at around 7.6 billion. If 7.6 billion people watched your video daily, that means 7.6 billion views daily. Time taken by your video to reach views limit will be 3,324,935 years.

Fact 3: If a single person refreshes your video every second and every refresh is counted as a view, then that person gives you 86,400 views daily. And if this exact thing is done by the whole world, that means by 7.6 billion people. You’ll get 656,640,000,000,000 daily views. Then time taken by your video to reach views limit will be around 38 years.

All the assumptions conclude that Youtube doesn’t need to worry about his view counter for at least next one to two decades.



Mr. Fact
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