Mr. Fact
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2019


Never Tell People Your Goals

It is said that telling your goals to people or publicly announcing to the world makes you accountable to them and helps you achieve your goals. But some recent studies have shown that public statement of your goals may not be a good idea.

In 48 LAWS OF Power, a book Robert Greene, he talks about Law to achieve power and his 3rd Law goes something like this “Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelop them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late.”

This might be a bit harsh but in this video/article we’ll talk about 3 reasons that you shouldn’t tell your goals to anyone.

1. Receiving premature praise for a goal makes follow through less likely: Announcing your goal publicly creates a risk of “premature sense of completeness”. That terms from Peter Gollwitzer study. In that study, law students were asked to fill out a questionnaire that measured their commitment to making the most of their educational opportunities. They found that law students who had made a public commitment to working harder by discussing their commitment to hard work with a psychologist actually quit working earlier than students who had kept their commitments private.

So, if your goal is identity-related, social recognition of your goal before you’ve even achieved it may you make less likely to do the work towards it.

2. If you’re a beginner, getting negative feedback could stop you: Researches have said that beginners are concerned with evaluating their commitment to the goals, so they’re more likely to stick to a goal when they receive positive feedback. Experts, on the other hand, are concerned with their actual progress toward a goal, so they’re more likely to stick to it when they receive negative feedback.

So, keep a distance from negative people and in general negativity, it has the power of not only ruining your goals but your whole life.

3. Hearing about competition might make you back off: Have you ever told someone your big dream, only to get their feedback. This feedback may be helped but it could hurt your efforts.

If your goal is exercise related like losing weight, bodybuilding a little rivalry might be helpful otherwise keep that crap out.

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