Breaking The Internet and Burning Questions: Does Buhari Hate The Igbos? Part 1

Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2017

Hi there!

We broke the internet yesterday (sort of), with our response to this:

Now, we were met with mixed reactions, varying from accusations of being Buhari Media Center (this one was hilarious, let’s be honest) to being outright hoaxers. There were valid concerns about our existence being only within 24 hours prior to the publishing of our first post, we don’t fault those. We know time will have a way of sorting that one out. However, one red flag gave us pause. That one was from Cheta Nwanze, so we stopped to listen.

So we said this:

Because this:

In spite of that, it would seem that the book does in fact exist!

Source: @elchukkie
Source: @elchukkie
Source: @elchukkie
Source: @elchukkie

Boy oh boy. This does not look good…

For Buhari. Not us. Our allegiance, at the end of the day, is to whom ever the facts support.

Going by Ibrahim Dagash’s words (from what we see above) we know:

  1. Nyerere purportedly wanted Peter Onu
  2. Buhary [sic] purportedly wanted Idi Omaro [sic] (Ide Oumarou)
  3. Buhary [sic] rejoiced at Ide becoming Secretary General.

Does Buhari hate the Igbos?

We’ll see.

Watch out for Part II




Putting Facts on life support since February 2017