Introducing… MorningStar Willier!

Faculty of Native Studies
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2022
  1. What is your favourite thing about the Faculty of Native Studies?
    My favourite thing about the Faculty of Native Studies is definitely the people. Faculty, staff, and students. It’s hard to feel unwelcome in a faculty that fosters such strong relations and a sense of community.
  2. What is one thing you can’t live without?
    One thing I cannot live without is a blanket, I love being warm and cozy.
  3. What is the best part of your job?
    I think the best part about my job has been witnessing high school students’ fear turn into excitement when talking about the future.
  4. Who is your biggest inspiration?
    My biggest inspiration is my mom, Candice Willier. She was here first and I have just been following since.
  5. Baked or fried bannock?
    I prefer fried bannock, all the way!

My name is MorningStar Willier, I am from Sucker Creek First Nation in Treaty 8. I am currently working as the Student Recruiter for the Faculty of Native Studies! Prior to this I was completing my BA in Native Studies, and working as a research assistant with Nancy Van Styvendale and Sarah Auger on the Indigenous Prison arts and Education Project (IPAEP.) My goal for the future is to have it consist of many adventurous travels and belly laughs.

