Fadata 2 Agile: Part Two

Nikolay Penchev
Fadata Voices
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Adjusting The Sails

Fadata embarked on its transformation journey to Agile in November 2020. This transformation aims to enhance the value proposition to our clients and customers. Such a lifechanging event will span across the organization. The Agile transformation program will focus on the reorganization of operations around the Operational or Development Value streams (the series of steps used by an organization for the implementation of solutions for a continuous period of time) with the goal of Fadata becoming more transparent, efficient and predictable both internally and externally.

In this second part of “Experts’ Voices”, we present you the experiences and viewpoints of the remaining members of the Fadata2Agile team:

Q1: What makes you excited about being in the core Agile team?

“I feel inspired by the vision of a better future where our company shifts not only operations but its mindset.”

Yavor Mramorenski (Head of Development):

What excites me is the future. I feel inspired by the vision of a better future where our company shifts not only operations but its mindset. Reaching to a state where the company operates in a synchronous way like a living organism is incredibly exciting. Being part of the core agile team feels like being part of the first cell of life — it all starts with one single cell dividing into many more until a life is born. The life of our new Fadata

Q2: Why did you join Fadata2Agile?

“I can confirm that we all really believe in this transformation and work passionately and with very high spirit.”

Ivaylo Zafirov (Head of Support):

Simple answer — because I really believe in it! It really looks much more like the 21st century and a much more effective way of work. The only thing is to get there!

To be honest, it was not my decision initially and I was appointed internally to join the new team, to learn and introduce a comprehensive agile transformation in Fadata, following the SAFe methodology. However, starting with our first working sessions I did realize that this is indeed the most important journey for the company, and I really felt the huge responsibility, on one hand, and on the other, the chance to be part of this small group of great colleagues who will lead Fadata to a significant shift of its mindset.

Having now achieved a lot as a team, I can confirm that we all really believe in this transformation and work passionately and with very high spirit. This makes me even more involved and determined for the success!

Q3: What are your main responsibilities in Fadata2Agile?

Angel Indzhov (Head of Information Security & Technology):

My main responsibilities within the Fadata 2 Agile team are knowledge and consultancy around the Information Security and Technology streams. Most of my responsibilities follow around the Shared teams’ definition in the prism of Safe methodology.

Q4: What do you think of the transformation journey?

“I truly believe that Fadata has taken the right decision to transform itself.”

Ivan Dobrev (Head of Project Management):

As a believer of Agile and a huge promoter of it, I truly believe that Fadata has taken the right decision to transform itself. This would be one hard, but rewarding journey which will pay off in the long term. It is natural for any transformation to take time. Some of the people will change their culture and mindset, some will not and we all should accept that from the start. However, at the end of this transformation journey we will have a better company, more productive environment and most importantly — happy and satisfied employees.

This journey is one for the long haul. Obstacles will be eminent but without them, the fruits of one’s hard work won’t taste as sweet. We are positive that the mission is worth it and this is reflected by the people. Fadata’s transformation journey has begun.

