Fadata’s PLSQL Training Camp Vol. 2

Nikolay Penchev
Fadata Voices
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2021

After the success in 2019, Fadata is launching the second edition of its PLSQL Online Training Camp — a free training offered to anyone interested in gaining an understanding of database training. We welcome all — those studying information technology, computer science, young specialists in the sphere as well as anyone interested in gaining more understanding of the IT field or is looking to open a new chapter in their professional development.

However, what should one expect from the PLSQL Online Training Camp? Well, look no further, we sat with the colleagues who went through this experience last year. Here is what they said to us:

1) What made you sign up for the PLSQL Training Camp and what were your expectations prior?

Nestor Tsagov, graduate from the PLSQL Training Camp 2019 and Software Developer at Fadata Group.

Ever since I was in 5th grade, I knew that I would be pursuing a career in Software Development. This led to me applying for a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. In our last year, I found about Fadata’s PLSQL Training Camp and it seemed like a good opportunity to gain more practical experience and be able to connect with people from the IT field. I did not hesitate much and signed up. I was looking forward to gaining more knowledge and experience in SQL and I have to admit — the Training Camp surpassed all of my expectations.

2) When looking back, what did change for you personally and professionally after the previous PLSQL Training Camp in 2019?

Plamen Asenikov, graduate from the PLSQL Training Camp 2019 and Team Lead at Fadata Group.

It’s been more than two years since I started my Fadata journey. When looking back, I must admit I’ve learned one valuable lesson — patience is the key to success. Personally, I am a firm believer that it makes us better people, managers, or business leaders. Patience teaches us to treat other people with a sense of decency, which in turn increases the possibility they will respond in a similar fashion. Last but not least, great things take time, and we have to learn to be patient and invest more time in our development!

3) What advice would you give to anyone still wondering whether they should sign up?

Ralitsa Eshpekova, graduate from the PLSQL Training Camp 2019 and Software Developer at Fadata Group.

It is simple — “JUST DO IT!” — as in the well-known slogan. For us to continuously grow, we need to challenge ourselves regularly and this camp is definitely a great opportunity to release your potential. No matter how things will go, one is for sure — the experience will enrich you both personally and professionally. So why still wonder? Go, sign up and take up the challenge!

4) What were your first impressions of the PLSQL Training Camp and the learning process?

Kristina Dimitrova, graduate from the PLSQL Training Camp 2019 and Software Developer at Fadata Group.

Like any other endeavor, it is normal that its beginning could be a little bit scary. But after a few days, you will find that there wasn’t anything to fear at all.

The learning process is methodical and is in accordance with the Training Camp’s participants’ level of experience. You will be surrounded by people always willing to help you and give you proper guidance and advice. For me, this is the most important aspect of such initiatives.

5) Is Fadata a good employer and are you happy with your work now?

Yordan Yankov, graduate from the PLSQL Training Camp 2019 and Software Developer at Fadata Group.

In my opinion, a simple answer like “YES” is not enough. Fadata is not just a good employer but also a GREAT and CARING organization. Fadata provides many opportunities for an individual to grow, learn new things and meet great people. The company is very responsible for the employee’s health and safety. The colleagues are great, caring, funny, and always offering their help. I am very happy with my work and I am very happy to work with such awesome people.

