My Year at Fadata

Nikolay Penchev
Fadata Voices
2 min readJun 3, 2021


The “Old New” Testimony

The idea behind the stories shared in “My Fadata Experience” is to introduce new and not-so-new joiners at Fadata. We aim to show a more nuanced perspective on their experiences not only on company level but in general as well by providing them with the space to share their daily routines, experiences and activities outside of office hours. The first story is from Nikolay Penchev, part of the Marketing team.

Hi, I am “the old New”. I used to present myself with the phrase during the lockdown period. Needless to say, the onboarding and socializing into the company got… “disrupted”. For me, the whole experience was ambient — communicating with people you do not know in person but have access to their “general information” and, at the same time, being “corporate” while you are in your living room headphones on and rocking your favorite sweatshirt.

As a Product Research Associate my position did not involve a lot of collaboration with the team. I was working closely with 2–3 people only. This was the most challenging part since information could not trickle down to me. The situation changed when the company introduced the weekly morning calls. It was a great idea and helped with the anxiety during the initial stage of the lockdown. Regardless, the most important factor was the people I had been involved with.

All my colleagues were available when I needed them, asked for help regardless of what circumstances they were put in at any given moment and made me feel confident in supporting and achieving the day-to-day tasks and activities.

One Year at Fadata translates to one year in the pandemic and it cannot be measured the same as during the pre-pandemic world. I believe this is true for all of us regardless of the position we have been put in. At the end of the day, we all are going through this but even though it might appear the same on a surface level, it is not. Cannot help but think about “Interstellar” and the gravitational pull which altered the experiences of the main characters.

Fadata Q&A: What energizes you outside of work?

Well, I try to follow an active lifestyle. I do callisthenics in my free time. It has helped me cope with the WFH dynamic since our daily routines have stagnated with all of the restrictions imposed as precaution measures. Also, I am currently working on an album that I plan on releasing this year.

