How To Be A Remote Working Ninja During Tough Times

3 min readAug 27, 2020


The benefits of improving your remote working skills are magnified because of the current global challenges of Coronavirus.

Practising to become one of the best remote working ninja’s will result in the following:

1. You’ll get more done with less — no matter where you are

2. You’ll improve effectiveness, adaptability, and professionalism

3. You’ll improve your communication skills

4 You’re more likely to take less sick days (The boss will love that)

5. Your productivity will likely improve

6. Your morale will probably improve too

Did you know that “73% of teams will have remote workers by 2028” ? (Source: Upwork)

“I used to be chained to the desk in the office, not literally! But, it certainly felt like it sometimes. It was definitely not a good feeling. Fast forward to now and I’m currently typing this very sentence from the comfort of my lovely home in Brisbane, Australia. I love the flexibility of remote working. I’m still in training and adapting quickly, although with repetition I’ll no doubt be one of the best remote working ninja’s very soon!”

What important behaviours will you need to practice to refine your remote working skills?

• Get up, get dressed and prepare for a ‘day in the office’ — You’ll feel fresher, professional and ready to work.

• Organise your workspace — Set up a healthy system to ensure you’ll be as effective as possible. Ensure your seating position is comfortable, water bottle close by and perhaps some headphones or earplugs to limit noise and any other unwelcome distractions

Take regular breaks — You’ll be more effective, refreshed, energised and productive throughout the workday. Set a scheduled reminder to break for lunch for important brain fuel (food) and a mid-afternoon spot of fresh air to eliminate a potential afternoon energy slump.

Communicate regularly with your team — You’ll feel more connected and social. It will improve morale too. At the beginning of meetings ensure you allow a few minutes of casual chit chat to build human connections with team members. Building and solidifying an interconnected sense of community is critical for remote workers.

Leverage effective technology — Our talented team utilises tools like Slack, Telegram and Basecamp as real-time communication tools for project management and measurement. Slack for general comms, Telegram for informal comms, and Basecamp for project/task management.

Be mindful of your own working style so that you can iterate and adapt, as required, for an optimal experience, culture and results.

Thank you for reading.

Adam Bowcutt

If you’re keen to learn more about how we help organisations please reach out any time

PS. Do you need immediate help with remote working and effective productivity? You may find our Productivity Accelerator valuable: The Pack

